Saturday, August 22, 2009

Oh so Thankful!

Thank you Lord! The baby looks fine. I went to go get my ultrasound yesterday. I had set up the kids in the waiting room and guess who walks in to surprise me? My wonderful hasband! I was so glad, though I had showered, I didn't wash my hair and it looked terrible. Oh well.... :)

The ultrasound showed us a healthy baby. It had no heart defects, a strong heart beat. We saw the stomach which was full of amnotic fluid. A good sign, so we know that the baby's digestive track is working correctly. To much fluid which was our concern is called Polyhydramnios. It can mean all sorts of problems( Thankfully, I had the correct amount of amnotic fluid. The baby's hands were in front of its face. It didn't want its picture taken I guess. But we saw his(I don't really know if it's a boy or girl yet. We want to be surprised.) precious little fingers and feet. He's breech right now with his hands and feet out. Which I already knew because he is always moving. Except right now actually...he must be sleeping... I met with my midwife, she told me the baby looks great. He's in the 62 percentile. Weighs 2lbs 1oz. She measured my belly again. She said I was still measuring big but that I must just be caring the baby really high. My due date is still correct, I'm still due at the end of November. I will be 27 weeks on Monday.


Us: said...

oh good! what an answer to prayer.

Mary said...

oh YAY! Thank you Lord. What a sweet husband - he didn't care if you hadn't washed your hair. He saw the women he loves. Makes my heart glad.

Don said...

5AM?? you are up early..
but at that it is great news for you that the baby is doing well...