Friday, November 6, 2009


Yes, I know I haven't blogged in forever!

Things have been very busy around here with the new baby coming. I went to my appt yesterday. Things look great. The baby's heart beat sounds strong. It's still wiggling away. :) I have been trying to gather things for the hospital. I have been working on some flash cards with inspirational bible verses for me to read during labor. I know it's going to be hard and am relying on Him for strength. The kids and I went on a tour of the hospital yesterday. I wanted to see what labor and delivery was like. I've also decided to try to put together some sort of grocery list together for Dylan. I want to have some frozen meals so he won't have to worry about dinner. Aub can also make some meals too!

I am so excited. I bought a heating pad for my poor aching back yesterday at Walmart. I haven't wanted to take it off since. :) If feels awesome.

School is going slowly. I am able to keep up on Aubrey's schedule but poor Ethan just gets read too. He loves working in work books but that takes prior planning. So everday it seems that we have a lot of "reading time." Which is really not that bad. Today we read about insects and how to identify and insect from other bugs. He liked that.

Here's a pic of the kids playing in the leaves on their break the other day.